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Hammer And Anvil (5 Focus)

Your attack is your allies' signal to strike!

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Type: Action
Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: 1 creature or object

Power Roll + Might:

  • 11 or lower: 7 damage; an ally within 10 can make a signature attack against the target as a free triggered action
  • 12–16: 10 damage; an ally within 10 can make a signature attack with an edge against the target as a free triggered action
  • 17+: 16 damage; two allies within 10 can each make a signature attack with an edge against the target as a free triggered action

Effect: If an attack is left to be resolved and the target was reduced to 0 Stamina, the attacker can pick a different target.