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“Even should an arrow pierce their heart, each kanin warrior has within them one last act of revenge.”

An anger that cannot be hidden. A fury that drives them in battle. Orcs are famed throughout the world as consummate warriors—a reputation that the peace-loving orcs find distasteful.

The fifth of the speaking peoples, orcs arrived on Orden after humans and elves. They made their homes in the borderlands between those two cultures, preferring the natural forests and avoiding the elf-haunted wodes. For generations, this put them directly in the path of humans who cut down the trees and built roads and farms.

Each orc has within them a fire that causes their veins to glow once blood is drawn. This anger propels them right to the edge of death. The dichotomy between their desire to be left alone and their zeal in battle is summarized in a dwarven proverb:

“Be thankful orcs do not hold grudges.”

On Orcs

What a world we have made.

Indeed, what a marvel!

It is a marvel now, with the dragons and celestials, elementals and terrans.

It is unseemly. It was better before things started talking.

And having opinions. About our creation. About us!

Oh, I don't know. I thought I agreed, but then look you what our sibling Ord has made. A fine people, these elementals. They make marvels. Ord made them, and now they make miracles.

We make marvels. The world is a miracle, and enough.

Yes. But still. I think I might try my hand at children. It seems a worthy pursuit.

Heed the lesson of our Shamèd Brother. It was better before the coming of the terrans. Before the coming of war.

But war has come. Ord and I are of one mind in this: what is done cannot be undone. My children should not seek war, but they would excel at it should it come to them.

They would be strong, like the elementals. But theirs would be a strength of spirit. They would never relent, never give up. Always seeking, always striving. Like life itself.

They should love the forest and green things, like the children of Val. But they should be at home in the cities the terrans and elementals build. In this world of chaos and law, they should seek balance. Not quick to anger. But once angered? A wildfire.

If they excel at war, the terrans will be jealous. They will be in constant conflict with each other.

Perhaps. Yes, I think you're right. It seems to be the great tragedy of our creation, war. But the constant threat of it will bring wisdom. It will take great wisdom to avoid such conflict, and those possessed of such wisdom will become great leaders.

Would they be lorewise and crafty?

Oh, I would leave that to them. It is not meet that children should be too closely molded by their parents. But you ask, and my mind goes to Ket. They should lack the pride of Ket's children…

Look where that got him.

Hush, you. We should not be too hard on our Brother In Mourning. He has paid for his hubris. My children would love the world more than lore. That is my answer.

They seem a fine people, if you ask me.

And there they are, look at them! Kul, your thoughts made real! Only in the world a little while, and already growing, learning.

Ah! My children! So fierce and unyielding. I see you lead short lives, like the terrans. Perhaps this is good.

I see they get along well with Ord's children. I think this a good sign.

Already they make homes in the forests by the elves. Some little skirmishing over borders, I note. Nothing serious.

What shall you call them?

Oh, I do not care for such things. They should be free of our designs, like the terrans. Let them name themselves.

Oh! They already have! Kanin. It means “the people” in their tongue. I like that. Very democratic. Good for them.

And will they know you?

If they wish. Much as I agreed with…the Father of Men…I find worship unseemly.



Let me introduce myself, at least.


“Hear me, kanin! This world we made is yours, as much as it is anyone's. You belong here.

“Know that you are my children, the children of Kul, he who put fire within the world. And there is fire in you. And though the world and fate and baser minds may conspire to destroy your light, you will survive. And more than survive, you will thrive. And in thriving, you will conquer!”

Orc Benefits

As an orc character, you have the following benefits.

Bloodfire Rush

When you take damage, your speed increases by 2 until the end of your next turn. You can benefit from this feature only once per round.


When a creature deals damage to you that leaves you dying, you can make a free strike against any creature. If the creature is reduced to 0 Stamina by your attack, you can spend a Recovery.