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Demon Chorogaunt


Demon, Planar EV 36
Stamina: 90 Weakness: Holy 3
Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 2
Free Strike: 4
Might +2 Agility +2 Reason +2 Intuition +2 Presence +2

Agonizing Harmony (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature

Keywords: Area, Weapon Distance: 5 burst Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 psychic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 psychic damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 7 psychic damage; slowed (INU ends)

Effect: An ally within 10 squares of the chorogaunt can shift up to their speed.

Chaotic Entrancing Harmony (Maneuver)

Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each enemy

Effect: Each target slides 3, ignoring their stability.

I Thrive on Pain (Triggered Action) ◆ 3 VP

Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self Trigger: The chorogaunt is targeted by an attack.

Effect: Any damage from the attack is halved, and the chorogaunt gains an edge on all ability rolls until the end of their next turn.

End Effect

At the end of their turn, the chorogaunt can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.


While winded, the chorogaunt has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.


Each creature within 2 squares of the chorogaunt can’t be hidden from them.

Frightening Tones (Villain Action 1)

Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three enemies

Effect: Each target either takes 5 psychic damage or is frightened of the chorogaunt (EoT). Each target gets to choose which to do.

Bully the Weak (Villain Action 2)

Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One ally

Effect: The chorogaunt kills the target, and each other ally gains an edge on attacks until the end of the round. You gain VP equal to the number of heroes.

Running Cacophony (Villain Action 3)

Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self

Effect: The chorogaunt shifts up to their speed, makes an Agonizing Harmony attack, shifts up to their speed, and makes a second Agonizing Harmony attack.