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Human Brawler


[[Human|HUMAN]] BRAWLER Level 1 Brute
Human, Humanoid EV 16
Stamina: 40 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2
Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0
Free Strike: 4
Might +1 Agility +0 Reason +0 Intuition +0 Presence +0

Haymaker (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; grabbed
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; grabbed

Effect: The target takes a bane on attempts to escape the grab, and the brawler gains an edge on attacks against the grabbed target.

Throw (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP

Keywords: Melee Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature grabbed by the brawler

Effect: The brawler pushes the creature they have grabbed 5 squares. This breaks the grab.

Shoot the Hostage

The brawler takes half damage from attacks if they have an enemy grabbed. They then apply the remaining damage to the grabbed enemy.