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Time Raider Vertex


[[Time [[Raider]]|TIME RAIDER]] VERTEX Level 3 Support
Humanoid, Time Raider EV 19
Stamina: 50 Immunity: Psychic 5
Speed: 5 ([[Fly|fly]]) Size: 2 / Stability 3
Free Strike: 5
Might: +1 Agility: +1 Reason: +2 Intuition: +1 Presence: +0

Psionic Slam (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature

Keywords: Area, Psionic Type:
Distance: 4 burst Target: Each ally
  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage; 2 psychic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; 3 psychic damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage; 4 psychic damage

Effect: Any ability used against the target gains an edge until the start of the vertex’s next turn.

Split Space (Action) ◆ 5 VP

Effect: A portal fills the area, leading to a location the vertex has seen (in person or otherwise) on any plane of existence. Each creature who touches the portal is instantly teleported to the nearest unoccupied square at the chosen location. The portal lasts until the vertex dies, uses this ability again, dismisses the portal (no action required), or is transported by the portal.

Invigorated March (Maneuver)

Effect: Each target can shift half their speed.


The vertex doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.