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War Dog Ground Commander


Humanoid, War Dog EV 36
Stamina: 90 Speed: 5
Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 5
Might: +2 Agility: +2 Reason: +2 Intuition: +2 Presence: +2

Conditioning Spear (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature

Keywords: Area, Magic Type:
Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally
  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage; pull 1
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage; pull 2
  • ✸ 17+: 11 damage; pull 3

Effect: One ally within 10 squares of the commander can make a free strike.

1 VP: A target who is adjacent to the ground commander after this ability is resolved is grabbed (INU ends). This grab can’t be escaped using the Escape Grab maneuver. The ground commander can grab up to two creatures at a time.

Highest Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver)

Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Final Orders (Triggered Action)

Trigger: The target has a condition imposed on them, is force moved, or is killed.

Effect: The target can move up to their speed and make a free strike before the triggering effect happens.

End Effect

At the end of their turn, the ground commander can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Loyalty Collar

When the ground commander dies, they explode, dealing 2d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.

Combined Arms (Villain Action 1)

Effect: Each target can make a ranged free strike, then immediately use the Charge action.

Make an Example of Them (Villain Action 2)

Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of the target can move up to their speed and make a free strike against the target. The target is then frightened of the ground commander (INU ends).

Claim Them for the Body Banks (Villain Action 3)

Effect: Each target can shift up to 2 squares and use the Grab maneuver. For the rest of the encounter, any enemy takes a bane on the Escape Grab maneuver.