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War Spider


WAR SPIDER Level 1 Mount
Animal, Goblin EV 28
Stamina: 60 Speed: 7 (climb)
Size: 3 / Stability 2 Free Strike: 4
Might +2 Agility +1 Reason −4 Intuition +0 Presence −3

Bite (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 poison damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 poison damage; weakened (MGT ends)

Leg Blade (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage

Trample (Action) ◆ 5 VP

Keywords: — Distance: Self Target: Self

Effect: The spider shifts up to their speed and makes a Leg Blade attack against each creature who comes within their reach during the move. The spider makes one power roll against all targets.

Web (Maneuver) ◆ AGL RR ◆ 2 VP

Keywords: Area, Resistance Distance: 3 cube within 1 Target: Each creature

Ride Launcher

An ally who leaps off the back of the spider can jump up to 6 squares without a test, and takes no damage if they fall during the jump. After the jump, the first melee attack an ally makes on the same turn gains an edge.

Wide Back

Two of the spider’s size 1 allies can occupy the same space while riding the spider.