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In the past, you entertained the masses with flashy displays of violence in the arena. In defining your career, think about the following questions:

  • What led you to this life of violent entertainment?
  • What was your gladiator name and persona?
  • Who was your biggest rival?
  • What happened during your most famous match?

You gain the following career benefits:

  • Skills: Two skills from the exploration skill group
  • Languages: One language
  • Renown: 2
  • Title—Monologue Champion: When you are not in combat, you can shout to get the attention of all creatures within 10 squares of you. Each creature who is not hostile toward you listens to what you have to say for at least the next minute, or until they sense danger or any form of imminent harm. While creatures are listening to you, your allies gain an edge on tests made to avoid being noticed by those creatures.

Gladiator Inciting Incidents

d3 Incident
1 Betrayed: A local crime lord offered you money to throw your last bout, promising that you'd live through the ordeal and get a cut of all the wagers placed on the match. You held up your end of the deal—which made the knife in your back after the loss so surprising. You woke in a shallow grave, barely alive, and ready to mete out justice.
2 Heckler: As you stood victorious on the arena sands, a voice cried out among the cheering. “This violence is just for show. You should be ashamed. There are people who need you—who need your skills!” Why did that voice ring so clear? And why did it sound so familiar? You never saw the face of the person who uttered the words, but they weighed heavy on you. The next day, you fled the arena to begin a hero's life.
3 New Challenges: You earned every title you could. You beat every opponent willing to face you in the arena. Your final battle with your rival ended with you victorious—and yet you were unsatisfied. There are other, greater foes out there, and you mean to find them.