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You worked as a farmer, a builder, a lumberjack, a miner, or some other profession engaged in hard manual labor. In defining your career, think about the following questions:

  • What type of manual labor did you do?
  • What important friendship did you make on the job?
  • Where did you go with your coworkers to blow off steam when the job was done?
  • What aspect of the job was most difficult for you?

You gain the following career benefits:

  • Skills: The Endurance skill, plus choose any two skills from Blacksmithing or the skills of the exploration skill group
  • Languages: One language
  • Project Points: 50
  • Title—Team Backbone: When you take your first turn during a montage test, you can both make a test and assist another hero's test.

Laborer Inciting Incidents

d3 Incident
1 Disaster: A disaster, such as a cave-in, wildfire, or tidal wave, hit your crew while you were working. You saved as many folks as you could, but the ones you couldn't save weigh heavily on your mind. You took up the life of a hero to save as many people as possible, vowing that what happened to you won't happen again.
2 Embarrassment: A noble you worked for admonished you publicly for work done poorly—more than once. Finally, you had enough. You vowed to take up a new path and show this noble that you are far more than what they make you out to be.
3 Live the Dream: You worked with a good friend, and on the job you'd always fantasize about what it'd be like to hit the road as adventuring heroes—someday. You didn't count on your friend falling ill and passing away. Now it's time to live out that dream for both of you.