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In your formative years, you fought tirelessly in skirmishes and campaigns against enemy forces. In defining your career, think about the following questions:

  • Which army and company did you serve?
  • What conflicts were you a part of?
  • What rank did you achieve?
  • What heroics did you perform in the heat of battle?

You gain the following career benefits:

  • Skills: One skill from each of the exploration skill group and the intrigue skill group
  • Languages: Two languages
  • Renown: 1
  • Title—Drill Sergeant: At the start of a group test or montage test, you can spend a hope token. If you do, all participants make tests as if they also had your exploration skills.

Soldier Inciting Incidents

d3 Incident
1 Dishonorable Discharge: You enlisted in the military to protect others, but your commander ordered you to beat and kill civilians. When you refused, things got violent. You barely escaped the brawl that ensued, but now you vow to help people on your own terms.
2 Out of Retirement: You had a long and storied career as a soldier before deciding to retire to a simpler life. But when you returned to your old home, you found that your enemies had laid waste to it. Now the skills you earned on the battlefield are helping you as you become a different kind of warrior, seeking to save others from the fate you suffered.
3 Sole Survivor: You were the last surviving member of your unit after an arduous battle or monstrous assault, surviving only because of your luck. You turned away from the life of a soldier then, seeking to become a hero who could stand against such threats.