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The power of the gods flows through you! As a vessel for divine magic, you don't just keep your allies in the fight. You make those allies more effective, even as you rain divine energy down upon your foes. While the deity or saint you serve might have other faithful and clergy, you are special among worshippers, receiving your abilities from the highest source.

As a conduit, you heal and buff your allies, and debuff your foes while smiting them with divine magic. The spark of divinity within you shines, aweing your enemies and granting you increased empathy.


  • Starting Characteristics: You start with an Intuition of 2 and a Presence of 2, and can choose one of the following arrays for your other characteristic scores:
  • 2, −1, −1
  • 1, 1, −1
  • 1, 0, 0
  • Starting Stamina at 1st Level: 18
  • Stamina Gained at 2nd and Higher Levels: 8
  • Recoveries: 10
  • Skills: Choose any two skills from the interpersonal or lore skill groups.

Conduit Advancement

Level Features
1st Deity and Domains, Piety, Domain Feature, Healing Grace, Pious Force, Triggered Action, Conduit Abilities Signature, 3,5
2nd Gift of the Gods, Domain Feature, Domain Ability Signature, 3, 5, 5 (Domain)
3rd Restore Life, 7-Piety, Ability Signature, 3, 5, 5 (Domain), 7

1st-level Features

As a conduit, you gain the following features.

Deity And Domains

Choose a god or saint who you revere from the Conduit Deities table, or ask your Director about the deities in your campaign world. With the Director's permission, you can also create your own deity, and can choose four domains to be part of their portfolio.

After choosing your deity, pick two domains from their portfolio. Your choice of domains determines many of the features you'll gain from this class.

(Playtest note: More gods and saints are coming, along with their descriptions.)

Conduit Deities

Deity Domains
Adun Love, Protection, Storm, War
Cavall Knowledge, Protection, Sun, War
Cyrvis Fate, Death, Nature, Trickery
Malus Creation, Fate, Life, Knowledge
Salorna Death, Nature, Storm, Sun
Viras Creation, Life, Love, Trickery


Your deity grants you a Heroic Resource called piety to fuel your abilities. You use piety to heal and empower your allies, and to unleash your deity's power upon your foes.

Outside of combat and other dangerous situations tracked in turns and rounds, you have piety equal to your Victories. If you lose some or all of this piety outside of combat, it takes you 1 minute to regain it.

When a combat encounter begins, you keep any piety you had outside of combat. At the start of each of your turns during combat, you gain 2 piety. You can also use the Prayer ability to gain additional piety. When combat ends, you once again have piety equal to your Victories.


I beseech you!

Keywords: Area, Magic Type: Action
Distance: 5 burst Target: All allies

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 1d6 damage; bleeding (EoT)
  • 12–16: Gain 1 piety
  • 17+: Gain 2 piety and choose and use a domain effect

Effect: The first time you use this ability during an encounter, it has a double edge. The second time you use it, it takes an edge. The third time you use it, it takes a bane. The fourth and each subsequent time you use this ability during an encounter, it has a double bane.

Domain Effects

Whenever you get the tier 3 result of the Prayer ability, you can choose one of your domain's effects to immediately take effect.

Creation Domain Effect

You create a 5 wall of stone within 10 squares of you.

Death Domain Effect

Two enemies of your choice within 10 squares of you take corruption damage equal to 5 + your conduit level.

Fate Domain Effect

Choose another creature you have line of effect to. That creature automatically gets a tier 1 or tier 3 result (your choice) on their next power roll.

Knowledge Domain Effect

Choose up to three allies within 10 squares of you. Each ally has a double edge on the next power roll they make.

Life Domain Effect

You or an ally within 10 squares of you can spend 2 Recoveries, can end any effects on them that have a duration of EoT or are ended by a resistance roll, and can stand up if they are prone. Alternatively, you or an ally within 10 squares of you gains 20 temporary Stamina.

Love Domain Effect

Each ally within 10 squares of you gains 5 temporary Stamina, and gains an edge on the next power roll they make before the end of the encounter.

Nature Domain Effect

Vines whip up from the floor or ground around a creature of your choice within 10 squares of you, then slide that creature a number of squares equal to 3 times your Intuition score.

Protection Domain Effect

An ally of your choice within 10 squares of you gains damage immunity equal to your Intuition score plus your level, which lasts until the end of your next turn.

Storm Domain Effect

Each enemy in a 3-cube area within 10 squares of you takes lightning damage equal to 5 + your conduit level.

Sun Domain Effect

An enemy of your choice within 10 squares of you takes fire damage equal to 10 + your conduit level.

Trickery Domain Effect

Choose a creature within 10 squares of you. You can slide that creature a number of squares equal to 5 + your conduit level. If you choose a willing ally, this movement can ignore their stability.

War Domain Effect

Your attacks deal extra damage equal to twice your Intuition score until the end of your next turn.

1st-level Domain Feature

You gain a domain feature from one of your domains, as shown on the 1st-Level Conduit Domain Features table. Additionally, you gain a skill from the chosen domain, selected from the skill group indicated on the table.

1st-level Conduit Domain Features

Domain Feature Skill
Creation Hands of the Maker Crafting
Death Grave Speech Lore
Fate Fate Trance Lore
Knowledge Cypher Mind Lore
Life Revitalizing Ritual Exploration
Love Compassionate Aura Interpersonal
Nature Animal Spirit Exploration
Protection Alertness Ward Exploration
Storm Control Weather Exploration
Sun Inner Light Lore
Trickery Divine Thievery Intrigue
War Ritual of Preparation Exploration

Alertness Ward

You exude a magic aura of awareness, granting you and each ally within 2 squares of you an edge on tests that use the Alertness skill.

Animal Spirit

As an action, you conjure an animal spirit that takes the form of any animal you have seen. The incorporeal animal can't physically interact with the world, but they have a speed of 5 (fly) and can move through mundane objects. While you are within 20 squares of the spirit, you can sense everything an animal of their form could sense, in addition to sensing your own surroundings. You can dismiss the spirit at any time (no action required).

Compassionate Aura

You exude a magic aura that can soothe those willing to socially engage with you. You gain an edge on any test made to assist another creature with a test. Additionally, when you are present at the start of a negotiation, the NPC's patience increases by 1 (to a maximum of 5), and the first test made to influence them gains an edge.

Control Weather

When you finish a respite, you can decide the weather conditions in the local area. Those weather conditions follow you through any mundane outdoors locations where you travel until the end of your next respite. Choose one of the following types of weather:

  • Clear: You and your allies each gain an edge on tests that use the Search or Navigate skills.
  • Foggy: You and your allies each gain an edge on tests that use the Hide skill.
  • Overcast: You and your allies each gain an edge on tests that use the Endurance skill.
  • Precipitation: When the ground is muddy or snowy, you and your allies each gain an edge on tests that use the Track skill.

Cypher Mind

Given a little time, you can translate almost any text into a language you know, even if you don't know the text's original language. For the purpose of making project rolls (see Research and Crafting in future packets for more information), you are considered fluent in all languages.

Divine Thievery

The gods favor your thievery with magic. Whenever you make a test that uses a skill you have from the intrigue skill group, you can use Intuition on the test instead of another characteristic.

Fate Trance

If you spend 10 minutes in an uninterrupted meditative state without moving, you get a glimpse of any significant events that will happen in the area around you in the next 24 hours unless you or your allies intercede in those events. As described by the Director, these glimpses of the future might be clear and concise, or might be vague and hard to understand.

Grave Speech

You gain the following ability.

Grave Speech

The power of death lets you speak with those who have passed from the world.

Effect: You can speak to the corpse or head of a creature who has died within the last 24 hours and who can speak a language you know. The target regards you as they would have in life, and you might need to make tests to influence them and convince them to speak with you. After 1 minute, the effect ends. You can't use this ability on the same creature twice.

Hands Of The Maker

You gain the following ability.

Hands Of The Maker

Craft objects with the power of your mind!

Effect: You create a mundane object no larger than size 1S that you hold. If you use this feature again or stop holding the object, it disappears.

Inner Light

Each time you finish a respite, you can choose yourself or another character who is also ending a respite to gain the benefit of a divine ritual. As you perform the ritual, you place a ray of morning light into the target's soul, granting the target an edge on resistance rolls. This benefit lasts until you complete another respite.

Revitalizing Ritual

Each time you finish a respite, you can choose yourself or another character who is also ending a respite to gain the benefit of a divine ritual. When you perform the ritual, the target's recovery value increases by an amount equal to your level. This benefit lasts until you complete another respite.

Ritual Of Preparation

As a respite action, you can bless a weapon. Any creature who wields the weapon gains a +1 bonus to damage with abilities that use the weapon. This benefit lasts until you complete your next respite.

Healing Grace

You gain the following ability, which you can use once on your turn.

Healing Grace

Your divine energy restores the righteous.

Effect: The target can spend 1 Recovery.

Spend Piety: For each piety spent, you can choose one of the following enhancements:

  • You can target one additional ally within distance.
  • You can end one effect on a target that has a duration of EoT or is ended by a resistance roll.
  • A prone target can stand up.
  • A target can spend 1 additional Recovery.

Pious Force

You gain the following ability, which can be used as a ranged free strike.

Pious Force

You unleash a blast of raw divine magic upon your foe.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 2 damage
  • 12–16: 6 damage
  • 17+: 9 damage

Effect: You can choose to change the damage type to holy.

Triggered Action

Choose one of the following triggered actions.

Divine Disruption

You sap the strength of an attacking enemy with divine energy.

  • Trigger: The target makes an attack. You can use this ability after seeing the result of the attack.

Effect: The attack takes a bane and the damage to one creature targeted by the attack is reduced by an amount equal to your Intuition.

Spend 1 Piety: The attack has a double bane and the damage to one creature targeted by the attack is reduced by an amount equal to twice your Intuition score.

Holy Infusion

You invigorate an attacking ally with divine energy.

  • Trigger: The target makes an attack. You can use this ability after seeing the result of the attack.

Effect: The attack gains an edge and deals holy damage equal to twice your Intuition score.

Spend 1 Piety: The attack has a double edge and deals holy damage equal to twice your Intuition score.

Conduit Abilities

Your training and faith let you specialize in magic that buffs your allies, debuffs your foes, and lets you hold your own in combat even while aiding your friends.

Signature Ability

Select one signature ability from the options below. Signature abilities can be used at will.

Holy Lance

A tendril of divine energy shoots forth to draw in your foe.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 2 holy damage; pull 2
  • 12–16: 6 holy damage; pull 3
  • 17+: 9 holy damage; pull 4

Holy light scours your foes and sets your allies into perfect attack position.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 2 holy damage
  • 12–16: 3 holy damage
  • 17+: 4 holy damage

Effect: You can teleport each ally in the area and yourself (if you're in the area) to an unoccupied space within the area.

Sacrificial Offer

The divine energy of creation tears at your foe.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 2 corruption damage
  • 12–16: 6 corruption damage; the next ally to damage the target before the start of your next turn deals an extra 1d6 corruption damage
  • 17+: 9 corruption damage; the next ally to damage the target before the start of your next turn deals an extra 1d10 corruption damage

A bolt of holy energy saps the life from a foe.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 2 corruption damage
  • 12–16: 6 corruption damage; the target takes a bane on ability power rolls (EoT)
  • 17+: 9 corruption damage; the target has a double bane on ability power rolls (EoT)

Heroic Abilities

You make use of a number of heroic abilities, all of which channel piety to empower them.

3-piety Abilities

Choose one heroic ability from the following options, each of which costs 3 piety to use.

Angel Of Wrath (3 Piety)

You conjure an angelic spirit who lashes your foes with burning radiance.

Effect: You summon an angelic spirit of size 1M who can't be harmed, and who appears in an unoccupied space within distance. The spirit lasts until the end of your next turn. You and your allies can move through the spirit's space, but enemies can't. The first time on a turn that an enemy moves within 1 square of the spirit or starts their turn there, they take holy damage equal to twice your Intuition score.

Punishing Smite (3 Piety)

Your divine fury is a hammer that crashes down upon the unrighteous.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 6 holy damage
  • 12–16: 8 holy damage; prone
  • 17+: 13 holy damage; prone and can't stand (EoT)
Righteous Rebuke (3 Piety)

Divine wrath strikes your foe with lightning that follows them across the battlefield.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 6 lightning damage
  • 12–16: 8 lightning damage
  • 17+: 13 lightning damage

Effect: If the target deals damage to another creature before the end of their next turn, the target of this ability takes another 1d10 lightning damage.

Thunder Of The Divine (3 Piety)

A resounding clap of thunder disrupts your foes.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 4 sonic damage; push 1
  • 12–16: 5 sonic damage; push 3
  • 17+: 8 sonic damage; push 5

Effect: You can also push each willing ally in the area, and their stability doesn't count against this forced movement.

5-piety Abilities

Choose one heroic ability from the following options, each of which costs 5 piety to use.

Armor Of The Faithful (5 Piety)

The divine light of protection surrounds your allies.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: Gain 10 temporary Stamina
  • 12–16: Gain 15 temporary Stamina
  • 17+: Gain 20 temporary Stamina

Effect: This temporary Stamina disappears at the end of the encounter.

Divine Weakness (5 Piety)

Divine energy scours your target to make them more susceptible to harm.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 7 corruption damage; whenever the target takes damage, they take an extra 3 corruption damage (EoT)
  • 12–16: 10 damage; whenever the target takes damage, they take an extra 5 corruption damage (EoT)
  • 17+: 16 damage; whenever the target takes damage, they take an extra 5 corruption damage (EoE)
Terrifying Smite (5 Piety)

A mote of holy light racks your foe with their greatest fear.

Power Roll + Intuition:

  • 11 or lower: 7 holy damage
  • 12–16: 10 holy damage; frightened (EoT)
  • 17+: 16 holy damage; frightened (EoE)
Wave Of Virtue (5 Piety)

A pulse of divine magic lets your comrades draw on their reserves of inner strength.

Effect: Each target can spend one or two Recoveries, and end one effect that has a duration of EoT or is ended by a resistance roll.