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A communal culture has no formal book of laws or rules for governing. Instead, the community works together to pick leaders and make important decisions. Often in these cultures, each person has a relatively equal say in how the culture operates, and everyone contributes to help the culture survive and thrive. People share the burdens of governing, physical labor, childcare, and other duties. A collective of farmers who work together to cultivate and protect their land without a noble, a city of pirates where each person can do as they wish, and a traveling theatrical troupe whose members vote on every artistic and administrative decision are all communal cultures.

Some communal cultures have one or more people who serve as leaders, but the way these leaders come to power is never official. Some are thrust into the role by people who admire their stances and actions. Other leaders seize power without the help of an official process, dethroning a previous leader and claiming their power without a challenge. People in communal cultures learn that their voice and individuality has worth, as do the opinions and hard work of others.

Skill Options: One skill from the crafting or interpersonal skill groups.