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The Guisarmier kit is for those who want to use a polearm for extended reach and still gain the extra protection of armor. This is the kit that allows you to become the ultimate halberd, longspear, or glaive fighter.


You wear medium armor and wield a polearm.

Kit Bonuses

  • Stamina Bonus: +6
  • Stability Bonus: +1
  • Melee Weapon Damage Bonus: +2/+2/+2
  • Reach Bonus: +1

Signature Ability

Forward Thrust, Backward Smash In your hands, the haft is as good as the head.

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Type: Action
Distance: Reach 2 Target: 2 creatures or objects

Power Roll + Might or Agility:

  • 11 or lower: 4 damage
  • 12–16: 6 damage
  • 17+: 8 damage