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The Sniper kit gives you the tools and techniques to take down enemies from afar. This kit can help you become the archer who lurks behind trees or down tunnels, picking off enemies with a bow or crossbow as they approach.


You wear no armor and wield a bow.

Kit Bonuses

  • Speed Bonus: +1
  • Ranged Weapon Damage Bonus: +0/+0/+4
  • Weapon Distance Bonus: +10
  • Mobility: When an enemy ends their turn adjacent to you, you can shift up to 2 squares as a free triggered action.

Signature Ability

Patient Shot Breathe… aim… wait… then strike!

Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Type: Action
Distance: Ranged 15 Target: 1 creature

Power Roll + Might or Agility:

  • 11 or lower: 3 damage
  • 12–16: 7 damage
  • 17+: 14 damage

Effect: If you don't take a move action this turn, you gain an edge on this attack.