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The Whirlwind kit makes effective use of whips, granting you mobility, damage, and reach. If you want to be a mobile warrior who uses a chain or whip, then this is the kit for you.


You wear no armor and wield a whip.

Kit Bonuses

  • Speed Bonus: +3
  • Melee Weapon Damage Bonus: +1/+1/+1
  • Reach Bonus: +1
  • Mobility: When an enemy ends their turn adjacent to you, you can shift up to 2 squares as a free triggered action.

Signature Ability

Extension of My Arm When you draw your whip back after an attack, your enemy comes ever closer.

Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Type: Action
Distance: Reach 3 Target: 1 creature

Power Roll + Might or Agility:

  • 11 or lower: 4 damage
  • 12–16: 8 damage; pull 1
  • 17+: 11 damage; pull 2