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When you teleport, you move from one space to another space instantaneously. The following rules apply to teleporting:

  • Teleporting doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
  • When you teleport, you bypass any obstacles between the space you leave and your destination space.
  • The creature teleporting you must have line of effect from the space you leave and to your destination space.
  • Your destination space can't be occupied by another creature or object.
  • You don't spend your movement when you teleport. Instead, the effect that lets you teleport tells you how far you can teleport.
  • If you teleport while prone, you can be standing when you reach your destination space provided you are able to stand. If another creature teleports you, it is up to them if you remain prone or stand, provided you are able.
  • If you teleport while affected by the grabbed or restrained conditions, those conditions end for you.