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An NPC with the greed motivation desires wealth and resources above almost anything else. Sometimes these NPCs are misers, much like wyrms who hoard coins and gems but never spend or donate them. Others flaunt their wealth, viewing it as a sign of their station in life. Greed-driven NPCs might share their wealth with a select group of people they love, such as a noble lord who indulges his children's every desire. Some NPCs might be greedy for resources other than money, such as a demon who wants to collect and devour souls, or a troll lord who hungers endlessly for the flesh of others.

An NPC with the greed pitfall has no interest in accumulating wealth or other resources, and becomes offended if anyone tries to buy their participation. They hold their ideals above material desires.

Arguments that appeal to a greed motivation contend that helping the heroes will increase the NPC's wealth or assets. Example arguments include the following:

  • “You should help us battle the overmind. Xorranox's wealth is legendary, and we'll see to it that you get your fair share.”
  • “Give us a week to do research among your private collection of books, and we'll give you another ten unique tomes we found in an ancient star elf sanctuary.”