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An NPC with the justice motivation wants to see the righteous rewarded and the wicked punished, however subjective their sense of who or what is good and evil. A priest who venerates a god of nature might believe that all who protect plants and animals are righteous, and that those who harvest natural resources as miners and lumberjacks must die. Having a justice motivation doesn't necessarily make an NPC a kind or charitable person.

An NPC with the justice pitfall doesn't believe that the timescape is an inherently just place, and has no interest in making it one. The world is eternal conflict, there is no such thing as justice, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a naive fool.

Arguments that appeal to a justice motivation position the heroes on the good side of an NPC's sense of right and wrong. Example arguments include the following:

  • “You despise those who steal from nature. Allow us peacefully into your wode so we may bottle the Blessed Spring's water. We're going to use it to stop an army from felling every tree and tearing up the earth wherever they go.”
  • “You think nobles are lazy barons who get rich off the backs of peasants. We want to dethrone Lord Saxton. Lend us your crew of thieves, and we'll see to it that when Saxton falls, the people can choose their own leaders.”