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Draw Steel Compendium is an independent product published under the DRAW STEEL Creator License and is not affiliated with MCDM Productions, LLC. DRAW STEEL © 2024 MCDM Productions, LLC.

Director Reference

This document serves as a quick-lookup tool for rules with a primary focus on being the destination of links throughout notes, session prep, Screens, etc. Its designed for Obsidian, but could be easily tweaked for other markdown utilities.


Characteristic Description
Might Physical strength
Agility Physical coordination and nimbleness
Reason Mental acumen and education
Intuition Observation and instinct
Presence Force of personality


  • If a Skill applies to a #Power Roll, the roll gets a +2 bonus


  • Alchemy
  • Architecture
  • Blacksmithing
  • Fletching
  • Forgery
  • Jewelry
  • Mechanics
  • Tailoring

Also See: Draw Steel Rules: Crafting Skills


  • Climb
  • Drive
  • Endurance
  • Gymnastics
  • Heal
  • Jump
  • Lift
  • Navigate

Also See: Draw Steel Rules: Exploration Skills


  • Brag
  • Empathize
  • Flirt
  • Gamble
  • Handle Animals
  • Interrogate
  • Intimidate
  • Lead
  • Lie
  • Music
  • Perform
  • Persuade
  • Read Person

Also See: Draw Steel Rules: Interpersonal Skills


  • Alertness
  • Conceal Object
  • Disguise
  • Eavesdrop
  • Escape Artist
  • Hide
  • Pick Lock
  • Pick Pocket
  • Sabotage
  • Search,
  • Sneak
  • Track

Also See: Draw Steel Rules: Draw Steel Rules: Intrigue Skills


  • Culture
  • Criminal Underworld
  • History
  • Magic
  • Monsters
  • Nature
  • Psionics
  • Religion
  • Rumors
  • Society
  • Timescape

Also See: Draw Steel Rules: Draw Steel Rules: Lore Skills

Power Roll

2d10 + Characteristic + 2 (Skill) ± 2 (Edge/Bane) + Bonuses

Also see Draw Steel Rules: Power Rolls

Mixed Edges and Banes

  • Add all Edges (max 2) as "Effective Edges"
  • Add all Banes (max 2) as "Effective Banes"
  • Subtract Effective Banes from Effective Edges
  • Ex: 3 Edges and 1 Bane results in a single #Edge

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Rolling with Edges and Banes


Also see Draw Steel Rules: Edge

Double Edge

Also see Draw Steel Rules: Edge


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Bane

Double Bane

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Bane


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Tests

Easy Test

name: Easy Test
t1: Failure
t2: Success
t3: Success + reward

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Easy Tests

Medium Test

name: Medium Test
t1: Failure + consequence
t2: Success + consequence
t3: Success 
crit: Success + reward

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Medium Tests

Hard Test

name: Medium Test
t1: Failure + consequence
t2: Failure
t3: Success 
crit: Success + reward

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Hard Tests


Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Failure with a Consequence - Draw Steel Rules: Success with a Consequence - Draw Steel Rules: Option: Let Players Pitch Consequences and Rewards



name: Assist on a Test
t1: Make things worse, Test takes a Bane
t2: Grant an Edge on Test
t3: Grant a Double-Edge on Test

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Assist a Test

Montage Test

  • Set the scene, describe the various challenges
  • 1/round: Each hero makes #Tests, #Assist, use item, use ability, etc or do nothing
  • Each Test has its own difficulty
  • Tests can auto-succeed, have Edges, or take Banes
  • Villain Points and Hope Tokens are granted as normal
  • Each character cant use same Skill twice (by default)
  • Cant Test against the same challenge twice (by default)
  • Ends after 2 rounds or when success/failure limit is reached
Difficulty Success Limit Failure Limit
Easy 5 (pc) 5 (pc)
Moderate 6 (pc + 1) 4 (pc - 1, min 2)
Hard 7 (pc + 2) 3 (pc - 2, min 2)

pc = Player Count

Montage Outcome Condition Description
Total Success Achieve Success Limit Achieve goal. 1 #Victories for easy/moderate Montage Test, 2 #Victories for hard test
Partial Success Finish with 2 more Successes than Failures Achieve goal, but with complication or cost. 1 #Victories for moderate/hard Montage Test
Total Failure Finish with 1 or less Successes than Failures Don't achieve goal, but story doesn't come to a halt.

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Montage Tests - Draw Steel Rules: Montage Test Outcomes - Draw Steel Rules: Montage Test Difficulty


  • Creatures not ready are #Surprised
  • If all creatures on one side are Surprised, other side goes first
  • Otherwise, roll dice: d10: Heroes go first on 6+

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Combat Round - Draw Steel Rules: Alternative Initiative


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Determine Surprise


Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Taking a Turn - Draw Steel Rules: Creatures Take Turns

Triggered Action

%% TODO %%

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Triggered Action - Draw Steel Rules: Triggered Actions and Free Triggered Actions

Free Triggered Action

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Triggered Actions and Free Triggered Actions

Opportunity Attack

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Opportunity Attacks


  • Edge on melee attacks
  • Line from center of space to center of ally
    • Must pass through 2 corners or 2 sides of enemy

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Flanking


  • Trigger for falls 2 squares or more
  • Damage = 2 * (squares - Agility Score) 
  • Land #Prone if damaged
  • Landing on creature
    • They take same damage
    • You land #Prone in nearest unoccupied space of choice
  • Falling into 1+ square of liquid: reduce height by 4 squares
  • Downward #Forced Movement is considered falling
  • 100 squares in the first round, 100 squares at end of each subsequent round

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Falling

Difficult Terrain

  • Costs 1 additional movement to move into a square of Difficult Terrain

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Difficult Terrain

High Ground

  • Gain an Edge on Attacks
  • Bottom of your space must be above the target's space

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: High Ground


  • Increase damage by X amount
  • Applies to each instance of damage of the Weakness type
  • damage weakness X applies to all damage types
  • Applied before #Immunity

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Damage Weakness


  • Reduce damage by X amount
  • Applies to each instance of damage of the Immunity type
  • all means they take no damage of that type
  • Applied last
  • Doesn't stack, use highest Immunity only

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Damage Immunity

Hide and Sneak

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Hide and Sneak


  • Obstructions grant #Bane on attacks and AoE effects
  • Obstructions block at least 1/2 of their form

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Cover


  • Grant #Bane on Attacks
  • Effects that fully obscure a creature, but offer no protection
  • Concealed creatures can be targeted (unless #Hidden)

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Concealment


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Invisible Creatures


  • See #Hide to become Hidden with a #Maneuver
  • When Hidden from creature
    • Gain Edge on attacks against them
    • They can't target you with attacks
  • No longer Hidden from creature if
  • Can be searched for

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Hiding - Draw Steel Rules: Hide Maneuver


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Sneak


Common Actions:

Also see: Draw Steel Rules#ACTIONS

Catch Breath

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Catch Breath


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Charge


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Defend

Free Strike

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strike - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strikes

Melee Free Strike

name: Melee Weapon Free Strike
keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon
type: Action
distance: Reach
target: 1 creature or object
roll: Power Roll + Might or Agility
t1: 2 damage
t2: 6 damage
t3: 9 damage

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Melee Weapon Free Strike - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strike - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strikes

Ranged Free Strike

name: Ranged Weapon Free Strike
keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon
type: Action
distance: Ranged 5
target: 1 creature or object
roll: Power Roll + Might or Agility
t1: 2 damage
t2: 5 damage
t3: 8 damage
  • Kit can modify these stats
  • Made with #Improvised Weapon if kit doesn't provide a Ranged Weapon
  • Damage type can change based on improvised weapon

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Ranged Weapon Free Strike - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strike - Draw Steel Rules: Free Strikes


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Heal

Use Additional Movement or Maneuver

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Taking a Turn

Free Maneuver

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Free Maneuvers


Common Maneuvers:

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Maneuvers

Aid Attack

  • Cost: #Maneuver
  • Choose an enemy within reach
  • Grant Edge to an ally's next attack against that creature before your next turn

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Aid Attack

Drink Potion

  • Cost: #Maneuver
  • Drink or administer a potion to an adjacent creature.

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Drink Potion

Escape Grab

name: Escape Grab
roll: Might or Agility Resistance Roll
t1: Fail to escape
t2: Escape, but grabber can [#Free Strike](<#free-strike>) against you
t3: Escape
notes: "[#Bane](<#bane>) if grabber is larger size"

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Escape Grab


  • Cost: #Maneuver
  • Target must be same size or smaller and adjacent
  • Can only grab one creature at a time
  • Also see #Grabbed
name: Grab a creature
keywords: Melee
type: Maneuver
distance: Reach 1
target: 1 creature the same size or smaller than you
roll: Power Roll + Might
t1: No effect
t2: Choose: Grab, but target gets [#Free Strike](<#free-strike>) OR don't grab
t3: Grab the creature
note: "[#Edge](<#edge>) if target is smaller"
  • When you have successfully #Grabbed a creature
    • When you move, you bring the grabbed creature with you
      • If their #Weight is greater than yours, your speed is halved
    • You can "place" the #Grabbed creature in an adjacent square with a #Maneuver
    • You can end the Grab at any time (no Action)
      • (Speculation) the previously #Grabbed creature is placed in an adjacent square of their choice

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Grab - Draw Steel Rules: Grabbed


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Hide


  • Cost: #Maneuver
  • Target must be same size or smaller and adjacent
  • Cannot be used when you are #Grabbed
name: Knockback
keywords: Melee
type: Maneuver
distance: Reach 1
target: 1 creature the same size or smaller than you
roll: Power Roll + Might
t1: Push 1
t2: Push 2
t3: Push 3

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Knockback

Make or Assist on a Test

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Make or Assist a Test

Stand up

  • Cost: #Maneuver
  • Stand up if you are #Prone or make adjacent creature stand up

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Stand Up

Search for Hidden Creatures

name: Searching for Hidden Creatures
keywords: "-"
type: Maneuver
distance: Burst 10
target: All creatures
roll: Power Roll + Intuition
t1: You find any hidden creatures with an Agility of 0 or lower and who don't have the Hide skill
t2: You find any hidden creatures who don't have the Hide skill
t3: You find all hidden creatures
  - You must have LoE to a creature in order to find them
  - As part of this Maneuver, you can reveal any creatures you find to allies within 10 sqaures of you

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Search for Hidden Creatures - Draw Steel Rules: Searching for Hidden Creatures

Knock off a Creature that Climbed You

name: Avoid being knocked off a creature
roll: Power Roll + Might or Agility
t1: Fall off into adjacent unoccupied space using normal falling rules
t2: Slide down creature in adjacent unoccupied space, no damage, no prone
t3: Continue to hold onto creature
indent: 1

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Climbing Other Creatures


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Movement


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Shifting


  • Can move through dirt horizontally or vertically
  • No need to be concerned with breath
  • Cant move through solid stone, etc

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Burrow


  • Climb Speed: Can move vertically and horizontally across surfaces at full speed
  • Otherwise: Each square costs 2 movement
  • If difficult, a Might Test may be required
    • On failure: unable to move, but movement is not expended

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Climb or Swim

Climb a Creature

%% TODO is this a maneuver? %%

name: Climb an unwilling creature
roll: Power Roll + Might or Agility
t1: Fail to climb creature and it may make a Free Strike against you
t2: Fail to climb the creature
t3: Climb the creature
  • Creature must be larger size than you
  • Gain an Edge on melee attacks against a creature you climb/ride
  • Once you climb a creature, they can attempt to knock you off
  • If knocked #Prone while climbing/riding, fall and land #Prone in unoccupied adjacent space

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Climbing Other Creatures


  • Swim Speed: Can move through liquids at full speed
  • Otherwise: Each square costs 2 movement
  • If difficult, a Might Test may be required
    • On failure: unable to move, but movement is not expended

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Climb of Swim


  • When allowed to move
  • Long jump
    • Up to Might or Agility squares long
    • 1 square high
  • Running Long Jump
    • Move 2+ squares in straight line before jump
    • Jump 1 additional square long
    • 2 additional squares high
  • Cannot jump longer than movement allows
  • Can attempt to jump farther with an Easy Might Test:
name: Jump farther than normal
roll: Power Roll + Might
t1: Jump no additional squares
t2: Jump 1 additional square
t3: Jump 2 additonal squares
indent: 1

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Jump


  • If #Prone, movement costs 1 additional movement per square

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Crawl


  • Can move speed horizontally and vertically
  • Can hover midair
  • Fall #Prone if knocked #Prone or speed reduced to 0

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Fly


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Teleport

Forced Movement

  • Can move fewer squares than indicated.
  • Ignores #Difficult Terrain and doesn't provoke #Opportunity Attacks.
  • Target affected by damaging/effect terrain as if they moved willingly.
  • Ignores falling rules until forced movement is finished; then apply #Falling rules

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Forced Movement - Draw Steel Rules: Forced into a Fall

Push X

  • #Forced Movement X squares in straight line away from you
  • Vertical only allowed if vertical keyword is included
  • Sloped movement allowed if 1 square or less vertically

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Forced Movement

Pull X

  • #Forced Movement X squares in straight line towards from you
  • Vertical only allowed if vertical keyword is included
  • Sloped movement allowed if 1 square or less vertically

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Forced Movement

Slide X

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Forced Movement


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Stability

Slamming Into Creatures

  • #Forced Movement into another creature:
    • Both take 1 damage per remaining square
  • #Forced Movement of an object into a creature:
    • Creature takes 1 damage per remaining square
  • Take damage once, regardless of size
  • Attacks/Effects that also force movement: creatures slammed into by the corpse still take damage (Director's discretion)
  • You can Pull or Slide a creature into yourself

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Slamming into Creatures

Forced Movement of Objects

Slamming Into Objects

  • Conditions:
  • Movement ends
  • Creature takes 1 damage per remaining square.
  • If downward, apply #Falling rules

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Slamming into Objects

Hurling Through Objects

  • Conditions:
  • Movement can continue if any remains after object destruction
Material Squares of #Forced Movement to destroy 1 square of material Damage to creature
Glass 1 1
Wood 3 3
Stone 6 6
Metal 9 9

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Hurling Through Objects

Damage to objects during #Forced Movement

Material Stamina per 1 square of object
Wood 3
Stone 6
Metal 9
Other, fragile (Any damage destroys)

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Object Stamina


Official Conditions


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Conditions


  • Can't regain Stamina

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Bleeding


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Dazed


  • Attacks against source of fear take a #Bane
  • Creature that Frightened you has #Edge on their Attacks
  • Cant willingly move closer to source of fear if you know location
  • When Frightened twice, new source replaces the old

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Frightened


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Grabbed


Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Prone - Draw Steel Rules: Stand Up


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Restrained


  • Speed is reduced to 2 unless already lower

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Slowed


  • #Double Bane on Attacks that don't include the Taunter
  • When Taunted twice, new condition replaces the old

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Taunted


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Weakened


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Unconscious


%% TODO - keep this? %%

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Attack

Knock Unconscious

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Knocking Creatures Out

Area of Effect

%% TODO %%

  • Origin Square
    • Must be within your #Line of Effect
    • Must be within the within X distance to you
  • Does not pass through barriers and doesn't spread around corners
  • #Area of Effect are not Attacks



Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Area Abilities


  • End when the encounter is over, unless otherwise specified
  • Effect typically applies after damage to all targets
  • Effects always apply unless otherwise specified

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Effect - Draw Steel Rules: Abilities with Damage and Effects


  • "End of Turn"
  • Effect lasts until end of the creature's next turn

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: EoT


  • "End of Encounter"
  • Effect lasts until the end of the encounter

Resistance Roll

  • aka "(CHARACTERISTIC resistance ends)"
  • Creature makes a resistance roll and the of their (?) turn to remove the effect
name: End Effect with Resistance Roll
roll: Power Roll + [CHARACTERISTIC]
t1: The effect persists
t2: The effect ends at the end of your next turn
t3: The effect ends immediately

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Resistance Rolls - Draw Steel Rules: Resistance Rolls and Effects

Line of Effect

  • Low if unobstructed line from any of your corners to any of their corners
  • No LoE if solid object completely blocks
  • Flimsy or fragile obstructions (ex: glass) don't block LoE (Director discretion)


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Line of Effect

Straight Line


*Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Straight Line

Improvised Weapons

  • Any weapons not included in your #Kit count as an Improvised Weapon
    • Feet/Fists are Improvised Weapons unless using a #Kit with Unarmed Strikes
  • Gain no bonus from your #Kit
  • Used for Weapon Attacks

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Improvised Weapons

Mounted Combat

%% TODO %%

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Mounted Combat

Temporary Stamina

  • Temp Stamina is lost first
  • No upper limit
  • Restoring Stamina does not restore Temporary Stamina
  • Does not stack, pick greater value
  • Lost when you finish a #Respite
  • Not used when calculating Max Stamina

#Stamina Example

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Temporary Stamina


  • #Catch Breath (Action + your Recovery): gain 1/3 max stamina
  • #Heal (Action + their Recovery): adjacent ally gains 1/3 stamina
  • Recovery Value: 1/3 max stamina
  • Can be spent freely in non-dangerous situations
  • Regain all Recoveries after a #Respite
  • Director-controlled creatures dont have Recoveries
    • But they may still heal 1/3 max Stamina if creature uses an ability that allows then to use a Recovery

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Recoveries - Draw Steel Rules: Recoveries and Recovery Value

Recovery Value

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Recoveries - Draw Steel Rules: Recoveries and Recovery Value


  • If Stamina is less than or equal to half of max Stamina
  • Others know when you are Winded

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Winded


  • Considered Dying if Stamina is less than 0
  • Can't take the #Catch Breath Action in combat (can outside combat)
  • Lose dice: 1d6 Stamina after you
  • Stamina loss cannot be prevented
  • You Die if Stamina reaches negative your #Winded value

#Stamina Example

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Dying and Death


  • You die if you Stamina is less than or equal to negative your #Winded value
    • (Negative 1/2 max Stamina)
  • Cannot be brought back to life except through special items
  • Director-controlled creatures die when their Stamina reaches 0

#Stamina Example

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Dying and Death


Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Respite


Level XP (~Victories)
1 0-9
2 10-24
3 25-39
4 40-54
5 55-69
6 70-84
7 85-99
8 100-114
9 115-129
10 130+

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Heroic Advancement


  • 1 Victory per challenge
    • Tough challenges (bosses) grant 2 Victories
  • Converted to XP during #Respite (See #Leveling)

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Victories - Draw Steel Rules: Victories Reset - Draw Steel Rules: Victories After Combat - Draw Steel Rules: Victories After Non-Combat Challenges - Draw Steel Rules: For the Director: Awarding Victories

Hero Token

  • Spent on a Hero's turn or when they take damage
    • No Action required
  • Regain #Recovery Value Stamina (1/3 Max)
  • No upper limit
  • Can be awarded to individual Hero or to group as a whole

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Hero Tokens - Draw Steel Rules: For the Director: Awarding Hero Tokens

Villain Power

%% TODO %%


%% TODO %%

Also see: Draw Steel Rules: Negotiation


[!info]- Language Connections and Hierarchy ![[Languages.png]]

Also see: - Draw Steel Rules: Language - Draw Steel Rules: Language Usage


%% Embeds %%

%%Stamina Example%%

Example for Hero with 24 Max Stamina

    -12           0            12           24
Dead      Dying       Winded                   Temp Stamina