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Ability Element

power roll.png

Note: this was previously a "Power Roll Element", but that was too limiting and has been replaced by this Ability Element


Ability element for Tests, Resistance Rolls, Abilities, and other Power Rolls. Triggered with a codeblock leading with ds-ability or ds-ab


name: Open the Earth++
cost: 5 Essence
flavor: The surface of the world around you opens up at your command.
keywords: Magic, Earth, Persistent, Ranged
type: Maneuver
distance: Ranged 5
target: Special
- Effect: You open four holes with 1-square openings that are 6 squares deep, and which can be placed on any mundane surface within distance. You can place these holes next to each other to create fewer holes with wider openings. For each creature standing above a hole when it opens and small enough to fall in, make a power roll.
- roll: Power Roll + Reason
  11 or lower: The target can shift up to 1 square from the edge of the hole to the nearest unoccupied space of their choice.
  12-16: The target falls into the hole.
  17+: The target falls into the hole and can’t reduce the height of the fall.
- name: Persistent
  cost: 1
  effect: At the start of your turn, you open another hole.
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See the abilities documentation for field definitions